Once upon a time there was a blinkofant. Then it got scrapped, then it got saved by metalab, then it spilled to nearby hackerspaces. DevLoL has a huge bag of those 8x9 LED modules.
Panels need 12V supply and the two linear regulators deliver 8V (for the 8 L3654S drivers) and 5V for all the other ICs. Our (TomK32 & Marcel) research has show that the L3654 is working on 5V just fine thus all regulators and the heatsink should be removed and replaced with a more efficient buck regulator delivering 5V. This will also increase reliability as the heatsink tends to tear out the regulators.
Sightings, iterations, and hacks
three-some https://youtu.be/Y6yhGQroHc8
The world's a mess - common error modes
- Faint glow of a whole panel when switching between them.
References and datasheets are cool
Arduino code: https://github.com/parasew/blinkofanten
ruby code, 2012 supergamdevweekend winners: https://github.com/Metalab/elle-and-the-spooky-arrow
hackerspace Regensburg has some as well: https://www.binary-kitchen.de/wiki/doku.php?id=projekte:ledmatrix:start